Audio Interviews, Radio and Podcasts

Reef Support in the Media

We are honored to have been featured by several media outlets. Listen to one of audio interviews below.
Aug 2021:
In deze aflevering gaan we in gesprek met Yohan Runhaar, informaticastudent aan de TU Delft en medeoprichter van Reef Support én Eva Anna Everloo, afgestudeerd aan de Universiteit van Wageningen en gespecialiseerd in Sustainable Food Systems.
9 Dec 2020:
Our CTO, Yohan Runhaar, had a talk on BNR News about our company and what the Copernicus Masters Overall Prize means to us.
NPO Radio 1 logo
8 Dec 2020:
'Gaat dit waarschuwingssysteem voor koraalriffen een Space Award winnen?'

Our CTO, Yohan Runhaar, had a talk on NPO Radio 1 about our company and what the Copernicus Prize for The Netherlands 2020 means to us.